Tuesday 1 September 2015


Lesson for the week: Treat your phone like a newborn child or it will spontaneously go pink-screen-of-death on you. Thus, I am suffering in silence (well not really, since I'm complaining on here right?) without a phone and my precious apps. I know it's #firstworldproblems but it honestly feels so weird going back to my previous old, and UBER LAGGY phone. Ugh. Goodbye scheduled social media tweets. But anyways, it's a darn good thing you don't need a phone to read these awesome blog posts that I've been loving in August.

10 tips when finding a job

How to fake looking fashionable

The 10 Commandments of Twitter

Are we doing minimalism wrong?

Why do we see FACES in inanimate objects?

Yige's blogging process (in the form of a hilariously accurate flow chart)

Disney characters as real people

100 Little Ways to Save Money

Healthier Homemade Snacks

7 Foods for Your Skin

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